Covid-19 Update

Al-Hamdulillah! That Almighty Allah SWT has allowed us to return to our beloved Masjid and be able to worship Him in it.


  1. All Attendees encouraged to WEAR a FACE MASK.
  2. Attendees may be requested to have their Temperature checked or screened for symptoms.
  3. Anyone sick with flu, fever, cough are strongly recommended not to attend.
  4. Attendees are requested to accept and adhere to all posted signs and instructions.

Financial Assistance

The Islamic Center of Glendale offer Financial Assistance to individuals and families that are facing financial difficulties. Such services are available depending on the available Sadaqah, Zakat Funds and any Fund available for such purpose. An Assistance Application Form is required and the applicant(s) must Grant Permission to the Islamic Center of Glendale to verify the provided Assistance Form information.